Singapore Baptist Convention

Singapore Baptist Convention

Singapore Baptist Convention


The objects of this Convention according to our statement of faith shall be: 

a. Voluntarily to associate Baptist churches of Singapore; 

b. To provide a platform for Baptist churches to unite to do local missions in Singapore, to do foreign missions and to assist one another in areas of Christian education, leadership development and ministry; 

c. To uphold Christian principles; 

d. To encourage the spreading of the Christian gospel; e. To promote Christian fellowship and cooperation; 

f. To plant churches and develop church work; 

g. To establish and manage welfare and non-profit making enterprise including but not limited to ministry for the poor, broken family and elderly who lack means to look after themselves; 

h. To advance Christian education by the provision of facilities for the publication, sale and purchase (whether through the operation of a bookstore or otherwise) of materials, the instruction, training and development in accordance with the tenets of Christian faith; and 

i. To establish and operate a theological seminary for the training up of pastors and church workers.

Baptist Theological Seminary (BTS) is the theological education agency of the Singapore Baptist Convention. It was set up in 1989 to provide theological education for Christians who wish to serve full time in Christian ministry, continuing education for pastors and church workers and on-going training to Christians for effective evangelism and service. It conducts undergraduate and post graduate programmes for local and foreign students in English and Chinese language.


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